If you have been the victim of a crime, you should not be responsible for paying the financial cost.
In New York State, the Office of Victim Services reimburses eligible survivors of violent crime any resulting cost. Medical expenses, lost wages, essential personal property and other financial burdens could be paid for by the state. CVTC can help you file a claim for compensation.
To be eligible for compensation, you must report the crime. For survivors of sexual assault, consenting to a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam in an emergency department qualifies as reporting. For other crimes like intimate partner violence or types of community violence, a report must be made to the New York City Police Department (or local law enforcement) or the District Attorney's Office.
CVTC can advocate on your behalf with the Office of Victims Services to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation. Our OVS specialist will help you file the application form and will work with OVS so that you don't have to.
Call (212) 523-4728 and speak with us about filing a claim for compensation. The costs of violence are high enough, you should not also be responsible for the financial burden that often accompanies it. If you were victimized outside of New York State, we will help connect you with the state agency responsible for victims compensation in your state.
For more information on compensation from the New York State Office of Victims Services, click here.
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