In an emergency, go to the hospital.
CVTC can help in a crisis. Our state-certified volunteer rape crisis and domestic violence advocates are available to help survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence who visit our partner emergency departments during overnight hours and on weekends. Our specially trained sexual assault forensic examiners (SAFEs) are available 24 hours a day.
To connect with a trauma therapist, call CVTC.
We do our best to make it as easy as possible for you to connect with us. We make sure that each person who calls is connected to the healing services they most need and deserve, whether that is here at CVTC or at another organization that is better able to meet their needs. Whether you seek our services a day, a week, or years after an assault, we are here to provide expert and compassionate care, free of charge. Call (212) 523-4728 to discuss the healing options available to you.
Our Services:
All of our services are completely confidential and free of charge.

Clinical Services
CVTC can help in a crisis. Our state-certified volunteer rape crisis and domestic violence advocates are available to help survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence who visit any of our partner emergency departments during overnight hours and on weekends. They are trained to provide crisis counseling and emotional support, criminal justice information and advocacy, assistance with filing claims for reimbursement with the New York State Office of Victims Services, shelter placement and many other supportive services.
In addition, our specially trained sexual assault forensic examiners (SAFEs) are on call 24 hours a day to the hospitals we serve, where they provide compassionate and comprehensive care to survivors of sexual assault seeking medical treatment.
CVTC's licensed clinicians are experts in treating people who have suffered interpersonal trauma and violence. We know how to help with the symptoms of trauma, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). CVTC therapists create a safe space to process what has happened and support you in healing. We offer therapy in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.
CVTC also offers unique and tailored support groups for survivors of violent crime. We facilitate groups that help you learn about what you've experienced and the symptoms it's caused. Our groups also create a safe space where you can process your trauma with other supportive people who have similar experiences. It can be powerful.
Click here to learn more about CVTC’s support group offerings.
CVTC’s Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) program for incarcerated survivors of sexual violence and harassment is a two-pronged project that serves survivors across New York State. Directly, CVTC provides advocacy and therapy to individuals at 13 correctional facilities across New York State. In addition, CVTC coordinates victims support for New York State’s PREA response, overseeing the provision of services to all state facilities and guiding providers across the state as they support this population.
Click here to learn more about CVTC’s PREA Program.

The CVTC Legal Services Team is here for you. Whether you are currently engaged with the criminal, civil or family court system, or if you’re curious about what options might be available to you, we’re here to help. If you have survived a crime, we offer advocacy and support. For more information or to contact our legal team, click here.
“I had been hurting for so long, I thought that’s just who I was. Now I know I’m so much more than my abuse.”

Additional Services
CVTC is one of very few programs statewide offering psychiatric evaluation, consultation, treatment and medication supervision for clients suffering from severe symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at no charge. This service is only available to current therapy clients of CVTC.
CVTC is pleased to offer several forms of alternative therapy to our clients. These modalities include acupuncture, meditation, guided imagery, art therapy, equine therapy, and others. They are offered in conjunction with trauma-focused psychotherapy. In addition to reducing anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of PTSD, this work can be an effective alternative to psychiatric medication.
Surviving a traumatic event can trigger engagement with systems or institutions that are not always designed to be supportive of someone who has survived a traumatic experience. CVTC can help advocate on your behalf with the hospital, NYPD, the District Attorney’s Offices, NYCHA, public benefit providers and more.
Through education, training, and carefully-crafted interventions, we address and disrupt the root causes of violence, in-community. Our core values of cultural humility, inclusion, and equity shape our community-driven approach, which centers those with the greatest need and the least access to support. We believe that through collective, coordinated action and care, we can turn our shared vision of safer, more equitable communities into a reality.
The New York State Office of Victim Services may be able to help with expenses that were incurred as a direct result of the crime you survived. OVS provides a safety net if you have no other way to pay for costs – including but not limited to medical bills, counseling expenses, burial and funeral costs, and lost wages – resulting from being the victim of a crime. Your family members also may be eligible for help. We can help you fill out and submit a claim.
Book an appointment.