Hello future Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE)!

Thank you for your interest in providing timely, compassionate, survivor-centered care to patients seeking treatment for sexual assault. CVTC’s SAFE Training Institute provides training opportunities throughout the year for interested healthcare providers. Details on our training offerings are listed below.

40-hour Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) Intro Level course

CVTC’s 40-hour Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Course is open to RNs, NPs, CNMs, PAs, and MDs/DOs. Approved by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), the training consists of 3 consecutive full days of didactic training (currently offered via a hybrid in-person and online format), a 3-hour hands-on clinical session with gynecological teaching associates (required for RNs, optional for non-RNs), followed by online coursework (i.e., readings, quizzes, case studies) to be completed within one month of the didactic training session. Completion of a 40-hour SAFE training course is currently a requirement for any healthcare provider seeking NY-SAFE Certification through NYSDOH. 

CVTC facilitates our 40-hour SAFE Training Course 3-4 times per year. 

Course fees for eligible RNs are currently covered through grant funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). For other healthcare providers, the cost of attending the 40-hour SAFE Training is $675 (including the clinical session) or $475 (not including the clinical session). 

Advanced Practitioner (AP) SAFE Course

CVTC’s Advanced Practitioner (AP) SAFE Course is open to healthcare providers with advanced medical training (i.e., MDs/DOs, PAs, NPs, CNMs). This course is a fully online, self-paced training, consisting of approximately 8 hours of content (recorded lectures, quizzes, readings, etc.). CVTC's AP SAFE Course provides all of the essential knowledge and skills required for those in advanced medical practice to competently perform sexual assault forensic examinations. Trainees who complete this course receive a certificate of completion from the CVTC SAFE Training Institute (a credential accepted at all NYC area hospitals). 

CVTC facilitates this course approximately 3 times per year. The cost is $150 per person.

Register for our March AP SAFE Course, here.

Note: the Advanced Practitioner SAFE Course does not currently lead to eligibility for NY-SAFE certification through the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH). 

Mock Trial Training for SAFEs

The Mock Trial Training Course, offered in partnership with the District Attorney’s Office and the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault, prepares Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners to provide expert testimony in criminal court. 

Through a combination of didactic information, presentation of a fact pattern, and opportunities to practice skills, the training prepares SAFEs (including RNs, NPs, PAs, CNMs, MDs/DOs) to identify and understand the procedural rules of a court system as it relates to SAFE testimony, to demonstrate the process of preparing for testimony and cross-examination in a criminal trial, and to serve as an expert witness.  

CVTC and our partners facilitate this course 1-2 times per year.

Additional Learning Opportunities for Trained SAFEs

CVTC’s SAFE Training Institute periodically offers additional trainings and workshops on topics relevant to Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners. Sign up below to receive information on training opportunities.

Already trained as a SAFE? Interested in becoming a SAFE with CVTC? Click the button below to learn more about available opportunities.